Monday 6 May 2019

Top 4 Benefits of Switching to Contact Lenses Over Spectacles

If you have been wearing prescription spectacles for a while now, it is best to switch to Geo contact lenses Canada because they are extremely comfortable for the eyes. Along with that, there are a lot of benefits of switching to contact lenses. Here are the top 4 benefits of wearing contact lenses instead of your spectacles -

Wear your sunglasses in bright sun

One of the most common issues that people face with spectacles is that they cannot wear sunglasses. Instead, they have to squint and struggle to see while driving or even while walking around in the bright sunlight. With Geolica contact lens, you can easily wear your sunglasses whenever needed!

You won’t have to switch from your prescription spectacles to your sunglasses and struggle with your vision when you invest in a good pair of contact lenses. You can also choose from a wide variety of colors for the lenses!

Steady eye prescription number

With spectacles, a lot of people complain that the number of their prescription keeps fluctuating mainly because the spectacle is placed slightly further away from the eyes. This is one of the main reasons why so many people switch to contact lenses after a year or two of wearing spectacles.

With contact lenses, the lens is placed directly on the eyeball which means there is absolutely no movement in the lens that can disrupt your vision. Even with colored lenses like Geo Bella Brown and other colors, the lenses enable you to improve your vision with ease. So why not switch to contact lenses instead of letting your prescription number increase!

Easy maintenance

With contact lenses, all you need to do is clean them once or twice every day and change the solution in the lens case every time you clean your lenses. This helps to remove the protein buildup on your lenses and also helps maintain the quality of your lenses.

With spectacles, on the other hand, you need to ensure you don't misplace them, sit on them or just lose them. Getting a good pair of spectacles from a reputed brand costs a lot of money and if you manage to break an expensive pair, you will need to pay a huge amount for the repairs! Not just that, the scratches on the spectacles' lenses make it extremely difficult to see as well.

Loads of colors to choose from

There are tons of colors for you to choose from when you want to purchase a pair of contact lenses. Right from Geo super angel gray to hazel and even blue or green colored lenses! You can easily choose a color that you want to wear with a particular outfit or even as per your mood on that particular day.

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